3 min read


Everything on this website is my own personal opinion, based on my personal and subjective perspective, of my life experience

I perceive, therefore I am

I don't claim to know any sort of objective reality. The only thing that I claim, is that I have a certain experience of life. And that experience is somehow mediated by my perception. In my worldview, I can't separate anything from my perception. If there is no perception, I don't know what there is. Is there anything besides perception? That is probably the biggest ever unkown to me

I don't perceieve any absolute truth. Even my own perception appears to be discontinous in time and eventually doomed to cease existing at some point. Hence, I can't possibly expect to force others to accept whatever I have to say, as truth or otherwise

In the same spirit, I believe that everything I perceive to know, or to have learned, has not been created by me. Any ideas expressed on this website, are the composition of the things I have experienced and I don't feel like I own them

Additionally, I'm not trying to convince anyone that my ideas, models or worldviews are objective or somehow the best reference to follow. However, I do think models and ideas benefit immensely from being shared, discussed and debated

Let's talk

If you want to further discuss any of the topics exposed on this website, email me at nbrenner at the big G

Nico Brenner